Our Volunteer Match

Position Opportunities

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GIS Data Set and Mapping Researcher

5 open positions

Most recently CalTekNet is working with 3 different GIS instructors to develop projects that are listed on http://wecanf.net/elearn

We are a Los Angeles-based organization that is looking for several volunteer employees to help us with using both OSGeo and ArcGIS to develop California-based Digital Divide-related map layers and how-to-media to be incorporated into curriculum and information websites. These resources will be used for outreach and as training materials targeting former California-based Community Technology Centers Network Affiliates (CTCNet circa 2012).
Job description

Geographic Information System Development/Managemen

This effort is an attempt to introduce GIS to mostly non-profit agencies that have traditionally worked in the digital divide arena where together, we were members of CTCNet, a national 501(c)3 non-profit membership association. The CTCNet was incubated for 5 years, starting in 1997 by NSF. It no longer exists, today but we are interested in using GIS analytics to document and visually present the California Digital Divide demographical changes from 2010 to 2025 and beyond. This project will be an invitation to engage agencies that may have a good reason to collaborate again on this and other projects.

Our initial map is divided by counties and shows that the majority of the agencies are located in LA County with the greater San Francisco county Bay Area having the 2nd largest number of agencies. We have explored and have created several may layers. We have started the process of creating story maps as well. We are pressed with managing the utilization of a finite number of ESRI credits. The layers also need to be exported as shapefiles and CSV files so they can also be used in various Open Source GIS tools found in http://live.osgeo.org .

We expect to identify, aggregate, make available mapped Geospatial datasets, grouped by urban and rural county geographic service regions which will be used to inform citizen science localized research engagement that entails, verifying, describing, and classifying information relating to community issues

We need to identify, import, and export various datasets into and from http://ctn.ushahidi.io  using http://openstreetmaps.org (OSM) OSM is embedded in both http://turnkeylinux.org/sahana-eden and http://turnkeylinux.org/ushahidi We plan to add data to maps according to: http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/wiki/DeveloperGuidelines/GIS

Please register, yourself on http://caltek.net We are particularly interested in the data resources of any one or more of the https://data.lacounty.gov/ for the greater Los Angeles area along with the https://data.lacity.org/ for the city.

The Nov 12th MapTimeLA used: https://github.com/maptimeLA/project-sandbox/archive/master.zip mostly using leaflet and QGIS which are both included in the  http://live.osgeo.org a GIS desktop distro DVD which is an open-source software platform for learning and training resource and for administering workshop sessions and other open-source software resources.

Volunteer Match
07/15/2024 19:56:25

Computer Refurbishing Tech

5 open positions

Follow a given assessment plan to develop, and manage a computer refurbishing program/hub locally in conjunction with a http://caltek.org affiliation or other community center anywhere in California.

1636 1/2 Menlo Ave, Los Angeles CA 90006, United States
Volunteer Match
07/09/2023 20:55:43

AI Technician

5 open positions
1636 1/2 Menlo Ave, Los Angeles CA 90006, United States
Volunteer Match
06/06/2024 16:30:06

Odoo ERP Community System

4 open positions
1636 1/2 Menlo Ave, Los Angeles CA 90006, United States
Volunteer Match
06/06/2024 18:13:14

Docker-Compose  Stacks for Portainer.io

4 open positions

CTN needs four or more FREELANCE Linux Administrators to help work through the (up-to-date, off the shelf, debian/ubuntu and centOS) installation and configuration of open source docker stacks and images using:
http://github.com/calteknet andtp://caltek.net/turnkeylinux :
Two (2) specific Postgresql instances
1) ERP package of openacs (above) https://github.com/sussdorff/project-open
2) a package of odoo (above) https://github.com/openeducat/openeducat_erp
CTN is working with 3 totally different non-profit project instances of http://OCPortal.com which are being hosted on http://bluehost.com and http;//godaddy.com which all need to migrate to the next version which now have a new name http://compo.sr

If you have 1 or more years of experience with docker deployment and maintain a local docker deployment environment and have an interest in spending 4 or more hrs/week working on the CalTekNet Linux Admin Team then please contact us.

1636 1/2 Menlo Ave, Los Angeles CA 90006, United States
Volunteer Match
07/11/2024 20:17:14

Community Engagement Researcher

4 open positions
1636 1/2 Menlo Ave, Los Angeles CA 90006, United States
Volunteer Match
05/02/2023 06:13:07

Accounting Configuration

3 open positions
1636 1/2 Menlo Ave, Los Angeles CA 90006, United States
Volunteer Match
01/29/2023 08:40:19